Hart of the Matter

Ex ITN and BBC reporter Alan Hart tells it like it is, talking of his personal experiences and the truth of history in this introduction:

Press.TV is airing a 13 part series called “Hart of the Matter – a programme committed to telling viewers the truth – the truth about who must do what and why if the Palestine problem, the cancer at the heart of international affairs, is to be cured before it consumes us all.

The programme’s mission is to set a new agenda for informed and honest debate by addressing questions which the mainstream media and almost all politicians are too frightened to ask. My guests for the first series’ conversations are men and women of all faiths and none, most of them voices which powerful vested interests would prefer citizens not to hear.

In the first part of this 13 part series, I invite you to get to know me because I believe you have a right and a need to know what a presenter’s experience is and how it has shaped his thinking.


The rest of this series can be seen by clicking on the images on the right hand side of the page in the link (near the bottom).

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