Laura Towler’s Speech On Repatriation

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As you can imagine, repatriation is a difficult topic to approach because we are talking about human beings. The vast majority of those human beings, as individuals, are good and tolerant people, and even if some only have the capacity to show goodness to their own ethnic group they are still human.

What follows is my interpretation of the reasoning behind why multiculturalism can never work in the way that we are told it should, and who is to blame for the immigration problem (spoiler alert: it isn’t the immigrants.)

Primarily, regarding immigration it is not people that are the problem, but the vast numbers of people. These numbers are growing at a rate that is now becoming intolerable to more of our people than ever before.

Daughter of Albion has a view on this, though I’m not sure that the UN document that she references is “codified as official policy”. The title is “Replacement Migration: Is it a solution to declining and ageing populations?”, which suggests to me that the document is asking a question and not creating policy. This does not mean however that those with the power to implement their findings are not actually doing so.

BitChute copy of video.

Secondary but going hand in hand with numbers, is the problem of multiculturalism. Multiculturalism is not an assimilation, but rather, a separation, isolation. Staying within ones own ethnic groups. Historically ethnic groups have always battled over land and resources. The largest, and strongest, both tactically and physically, tend to win. They win dominion over that land and its resources. The losers were either killed, chased away, or assimilated into the dominant culture. Thinking that multiple ethnic groups that have for hundreds of years, each having succeeded in dominating and retaining large areas of land (countries) for their own people, can suddenly live in peace together on a small island without conflict is madness beyond belief.

The reason being that the most successful groups are ones where the peoples of that group have an in-group preference and are loyal to that group. This gives them the tactical advantage of unification, thinking and working as one for a specific outcome. If they were to be disloyal and show an out-group preference then this would be seen as being disloyal to the group which as we know, disloyalty is an undesirable characteristic in any human being, so this disloyalty mentally weakens the group. Trust is gone. Belonging to an ethnic group gives identity to the individual members, a sense of who you are, where you come from, how to act etc. members cannot help but to have an in-group preference. All successful groups do.

It is no different for the English, the Irish, the Scottish, the Welsh, and on main land Europe, the French, the Germans, the Polish, the Swedish the Italians, etc, etc. We are all ethnically as unique as any other non-European country, and have all dominated specific areas of land. The English being the best at it of course (ahem, Empire, rule Britannia and all that!). 😉

Domination is in human DNA, we cannot help it. It is in our nature, and anything done naturally is done unconsciously. It is how we humans became the dominant animal on this planet. It’s how we survived in the natural world. It happened over thousands of years and because of all that practice, we became very good at it. The best. We don’t have to think about it, we just do it. This is why multiculturalism is a non-starter! But we try to tolerate our natural opponents who, like us, have the same tendency and drive to dominate for land and resources.

So there we have it. Why I don’t think multiculturalism is anything other than a fantastic ideal by the communists/globalists. It’s like trying to put out fire with a flame thrower.

It is (non-Nationalist) governments that promote the theory of multiculturalism. It is the governments that encourage immigration. The immigrants only come because they are encouraged to do so by government policy. The immigrants themselves are not to blame.

It is said that the reason for allowing mass immigration is because of the low fertility rate of European women, and yet, at every opportunity our women are discouraged from having babies. Daughter of Albion (again 🙂 ) discusses this very topic and discovers something surprising leaving me very optimistic for the future.

BitChute copy of video.

We really do need to start looking in the right direction for the root of the problem so that it can be corrected in the right way and for the right reasons. It is with those who hold authority to enact laws that permit immigration and laws that regulate the behaviours of the people. They also hold the power and authority to use that power to repeal those laws too. Nobody other than governments hold such powers. For the record, all laws are repealable, because no government can bind its successors.

And yet because have been guided into looking the wrong way, most people blame the immigrants.

Immigration is encouraged for the workforce that it provides and nothing more. Primarily it is for the benefit of the economy and profit, remembering of course that some people profit more than others, a hell of a lot more. The original ethnic peoples of the country are a secondary afterthought, they are a detail when it comes to the sharing of their ancestral homelands.

It has been pointed out on this blog previously that, WE WERE NEVER ASKED, but rather we were told “accept because to not accept is racism”. Our people did not accept but did try to tolerate. However, old TV footage clearly shows that there was no acceptance. We were then told to “tolerate” and then tolerate more “be more tolerant”, and being good people mostly we did.

Laws enforcing tolerance between differing ethnic cultures are necessary to prevent inevitable conflict, and again it must be stressed, it is a tolerance and not an acceptance that the our people have shown.

Those who still believe in or have a vested interest in the fairy tale that is multiculturalism predictably show outrage and indignation at the suggestion that their ideology is being exponentially resisted and rejected as a very bad idea. A failed experiment.

This breakdown of tolerance is evidenced by the Left when they say there is a rise in the Far Right. All that their assessment means is that conditions have become intolerable and our people have had enough.

So in conclusion, multiculturalism is an impossibility and all historical attempts to create and enforce it should be reversed. Given the choice, British ladies do want babies and so with a little help and encouragement the fertility rate can easily reach the levels the government says is needed for a successful economy.

Repatriation is the reversal of the importation of ethnic out-groups, and any upset that it may cause to the people of these groups, and people of ours, lies solely with the past and present individual members of the governments of Europe.

It does NOT lie with the people, because, after three, … one, … two , …three, … WE WERE NEVER ASKED.

BitChute copy of video.

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